MW Burdette’s Novels

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For Immediate Release:

MW Burdette worked in sales and sales management for over thirty years helping his clients to acquire the maintenance products that they needed to keep their equipment lubricated, cleaned, and in proper running order.  He has a history of teaching other salespersons to open accounts with industrial companies to accomplish similar tasks.  In his work history, he traveled extensively throughout the Southwest and Southeast United States and thereby developed a familiarity with cities and towns from West Texas to the East Coast.  This vast knowledge of many towns and cities, some remote and some well-traveled, has given him an opportunity to write about the people and places where he has visited over the years, thus adding authenticity to his many novels that he has published.

In 2015, Burdette decided that he had had enough of corporate life, and he began creating novels to tell of his many experiences, as well as fictional tales of mayhem and murder.  As of this year, 2024, he has published fifty fictional novels, most of which are murder mysteries.  They can all be found at the following link, : mw burdette, and they can be purchased in either paperback or Kindle formats.

If you would like to enjoy a fun read and get to know some of the hundreds of characters Burdette has created these past nine years, I would encourage you to browse the list on Amazon and check out his offerings.

MW Burdette’s Novels

MW Burdette’s first series of novels, The John Bremen Chronicles, were more along the genre of crime, rather than mystery.  He completed his fourth and final novel, Murdering the Peacekeepers, thus closing out his first series of novels.

The first novel in the series was titled In Search of An Identity, and it was inspired by his tour of duty in Vietnam in the late 1960s and early 1970s.  He continued the series with The Ultimate Challenge, A Resolution of Honor, and the final novel in the series was Murdering the Peacekeepers.  At this point in his writing career, Burdette decided that composing Murder Mysteries were more to his liking, and since that time he has completed novels in five additional series listed below.

Burdette’s second series, and his first venture into mystery writing, was The Lt. Maggie Watson Murder Series.  At the writing of this note, Burdette has composed and published thirteen novels, with a fourteenth in process.

Branching out with other ideas for murder mysteries, Burdette created four more series with separate characters.  They are listed below:

The Dowdy and Summers Murder Series

The Bremen and Whitacre Detective Agency

The Pilot and the Pianist Mystery Series

The Wanderer

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